Jun 25Liked by Matt Austerklein

Oh my God, Matt, I saw that you posted this yesterday, when I was talking to Jalda about the project her wife is doing, which is when I asked her about the project I wrote to you about. I have been thinking about this midrash (there's a parallel, but different version in the Bavli) for years. Thank you! This is so helpful for the project I am supposed to be presenting on tomorrow!

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Thanks, Daniel! I am waiting to respond to your inquiry and am glad that this was helpful! Currently leading a tour group and so I won’t have time to respond to till the end of the week. I know the source in the Bavli which is a variation on the theme. A lot of deep things to unpack!

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I really enjoyed reading this! Perhaps his “household gods” were a nod to the mysteries that simply cannot be solved?

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Maybe? I just found this which suggests a number of interesting directions. http://mossdreams.blogspot.com/2014/02/freud-among-gods.html

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I’ll give it a look!

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Thanks, Gabriel. I’m not a Freud scholar, but my sense of him is he was more about uncovering mysteries, not honoring them.

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Excellent Article! Thank you.

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