Sep 23Liked by Matt Austerklein

Beautiful tribute, Matt. I'm so sorry for your loss. For our loss. And grateful for all we've gained through Jack's light. I'm glad you are carrying his Torah.

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Sep 23Liked by Matt Austerklein

Really, really beautifully put, Matt. You've captured something very spot-on about his essence. I'm also finding it hard to fully comprehend what we've lost.

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Sep 23Liked by Matt Austerklein

Thanks for the frame. He was a special teacher and a stellar musician. May his soul have an aliyah.

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Amen. Thanks, Daniel.

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Sep 23Liked by Matt Austerklein

Matt—so right on and eloquent. I appreciate your documenting so much biograpical info. As a fellow seminary-trained cantor and DLTI-7 participant, I am also in awe of Hazzan Jack’s achievements and particularly of the DLTI that he co-founded and led. DLTI was by far the most sophisticated prayer-leading training I had ever experienced and saved me from professional burnout. His rootedness in and commitment to Ashkenazi musical tradition, high-level Western-art vocalism and openness to boundary-free creativity was highly unusual, if not unique in my experience. I think in that sense he cannot be replaced. And let’s not forget the joy and wicked sense of humor that came out of his every pore. Y”z”b.

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Oh yes. I nearly entitled this "So long, Captain Jack." His piratical swagger and badkhanic spirit were something else. DLTI-7 was off the charts!

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I love that all of us *know* that our DLTI was the best ... I was in 6 ;-) (we also called him Captain Jack, which always brought me to Billy Joel ... but that's another story). Someone (or multiple folks perhaps) mentioned yesterday from the bimah how amazing it was - this way that Jack had of making you feel so special, so seen, so capable of the challenge ...

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I thought I remembered that nickname right! Yes, he helped everyone transverse long vocal and spiritual deltas with timeless encouragement.

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Beautiful. Thank you so much, Matthew.

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Dear Matt, What a glorious illumination of our beloved teacher and the prayerful/davenen and musical framework with which he left so many of us. Just as at Har Sinai, we each heard, saw, absorbed in accordance with our capacity. Now we will rely upon one another (and his vast library) as mirrors to reflect when we have adequately opened to plumb the soul-depth needed to convey the liturgy with a kavanah that resonates throughout the room and beyond. I am so grateful for this extensive framing which you so lovingly curated for us as one of many ways to remember Jack's, zt"l, gadol-ness, musical chops, soulful voice, creative playfulness, and dead-serious tutelage of those of us blessed by his attention and support. Your deep knowledge of hazzanut is such an important gift to our community. Shanah tovah u'metukah.

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Thanks so much! Shana Tova

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Sep 23Liked by Matt Austerklein

Amein - Selah. A most eloquent and powerful Hesped. Thank you, Hazzan Matt.

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Oh my... Matt, this is such a beautiful, well articulated, well discerned characterization and capturing of this unique and extraordinary man, sadly no longer amongst us. He was surely "High Jack" as he highjacked all of our hearts and souls with that voice. Along with the rest of you, I was in DLTI-1 from which almost every participant became ordained Rabbis and Cantors (except me). Later in life, I became a close friend and colleague and have been deeply moved by this "all time great love affair" he had with his Beloved soul mate Reb Marcia. Heartbroken, I vow to carry on the work, in Jack's name and in his honor always. Judith Dack, ALEPH: Alliance For Jewish Renewal, Board of Directors

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